The second tournament of the 2023 season is literally the worst tournament results since January 2014 where only 6 anglers fished with about the same results.
Those 6 anglers caught 3 bass with a 7.27 LB lunker. Today was much warmer and pretty windy but the fishing really sucked.
All fish 10" and up count. Only their best five count. We are now fishing our winter hours. 8 AM to 3 PM.
- 1st Randy Bunch of Lake Fork with 1 bass for 2.55 LB which is the boater lunker.
- 2nd Mike McWhorter of Lake Fork with 1 bass for 2.19 LB.
- 3rd Alf Tuggle of Scroggins with 2 bass for 1.72 LB.
3 bass were caught, and 19 anglers were skunked, All the bass that were caught was drop shotting in less than three feet of water. And all on the same color worm. -
Starting next week our new secretary will be taking these reports. Goodbye all!
For information on Joining the Lake Fork Anglers send an inquiry to [email protected]. We only fish on Thursdays daytime at Lake Fork.
New member fee is $20. Dues is $20 a year and tournaments are $15; We are currently looking for new members- Boaters and co-anglers.